So this week has been about getting lots of lovely new products on the website, marketing and testing. I had the unenviable task of testing the value poo bags in the clearance section, and actually they are pretty good! I have big dogs ans well as small, and let's just say, they were up to the job! No handles to tie them, but they were plenty long enough to knot at the top.
Two of the dogs had rather better jobs than me, they got to test the tuggys I have in stock. All are handmade from completely recycled material, how about that for eco-friendly! Tag really enjoyed having a good tug and I could see 12 year old Whizzy wanted to get stuck in. I gave her a go and she has a fabulous time. I now know what toys to use for her in her Hoopers training when we get to go back after lockdown ends.
Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your dogs, thank goodness this is all happening when it's decent weather and not midwinter!
Stay safe,
Anne x